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Adlon Day Spa

Adlon Day Spa, Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin, Germany

Adlon Day Spa Treatment Room, Hotel Adlon KempinskiWe have always loved the Hotel Adlon Kempinski in Berlin, Germany as this grand dame hotel continues to excel in its service with every passing year, and their new 900 sq. meter tri-level Adlon Day Spa is truly a luxury experience.

The Adlon Day Spa opened in November 2007 a few short weeks after we had visited the hotel in October to help celebrate its 100th anniversary, so we were eagerly anticipating returning to the Hotel Adlon Kempinski to experience their new Spa. We returned to Berlin in March 2008, and were duly impressed with the new Spa. Hotel Adlon Kempinski guests may remember the old spa, which was located on the opposite side of the building in the same area as the Fitness Center and the swimming pool.

The new Adlon Day Spa is now separate from the Fitness Center and the swimming pool, the location has easier access for guests, and as we stepped off the elevator on the Spa floor, our journey of the senses began by experiencing a pleasant fragrance wafting in the air from the candles burning in the Spa. The sensory experience continued as we walked in our slippers over the alternating smooth and heavily textured marble tiles to enter the Spa reception.

Once inside the reception, the attractive décor was immediately soothing with whitewashed oak walls, inviting seating areas with wheat-colored corduroy fabric, illuminated alabaster walls, and a bowl of mixed fruit.

The Adlon Day Spa’s theme for 2008 is "Time for Spa," and as frequent Spa-goers, we really appreciate the essence of this important message that we all need to make time for ourselves, to rejuvenate our minds, bodies, and our senses. The euphoric feeling of wellbeing that comes after a visit to a Spa will have us soaring for weeks until it is time for our next Spa experience.

With this in mind, we scheduled our own version of "Time for Spa" at the Adlon Day Spa, where our therapists, Antje and Katja brought us hot scented towels and a pot of tea in a square silver ceramic pot to enjoy as we discussed our treatments.

Adlon Day Spa, Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin, Germany - Waiting Area
Waiting Area

The Spa offers some very different massage rituals including Lumi-Lumi Nui Temple Massage, Balinese Massage, Royal Thai Massage, Shiatsu, Watsu, Ayurveda Massage, and Hot Stone, each of which promise a unique solution for what ails you. Since we had never experienced the Hawaiian Lumi-Lumi Nui Temple Massage, which was described to us as an ancient Hawaiian treatment to make wishes come true, as well as clear the mind and body, we decided that this was a definite must, and we also wanted to experience the Royal Thai Massage. After a consultation with the therapists, it was decided that (Edward) would experience the Lumi-Lumi Nui Temple Massage, while (Debra) experienced the Royal Thai Massage.

For our second treatment, (Edward) would experience the Complexion Enhancement Treatment for Men, and (Debra) would have a beauty treatment of a Spa Manicure and a Spa Pedicure. Sessions scheduled, we were ready to begin our "Time to Spa."

Edward: The Lumi-Lumi Nui Temple Massage is an ancient Hawaiian ritual that was practiced by the Ka Hunas (Hawaiian shamans) to transform and balance all aspects of self, to create harmony and flow in a person’s being, and leave a sense of a person’s true and unique self. As my therapist Antje spoke about the treatment, you could tell that she was very dedicated to the spiritual and healing components. She told me that when she was introduced to the Lumi-Lumi Nui Temple Massage she was instantly drawn to the powerful spiritual experiences and heightened states of awareness that the treatment provided, and that this has become her favorite treatment to administer.

The treatment starts and ends with a Hawaiian prayer to set an intention for the individual’s healing and health. Various oils were applied as Antje used her hands, elbows, and forearms in deep long movements that are intended to mimic the ebb and flow of the ocean. The combination of the background music, the oils, and the long flowing massage produced the desired results of creating a relaxing, spiritual, and harmonic being. I felt that the long measured movements along my body was capturing and removing all my negative energy while creating a balance within my muscles and being. The Lumi-Lumi Nui Temple Massage produced a feeling of harmony that I have not felt in other treatments while at the same time the knots and aches in my muscles were relieved. Antje is a therapist who is spiritually and personally committed to the concept, the meaning, and the unconditional Spirit of Aloha, respect, honor, and sacredness. I was rewarded with an experience that I will be able to call upon, though not physically, and relive the sense of balance and harmony I felt during and after the treatment.

Antje performed the closing prayer and left the room providing me with time before my next treatments to reflect and absorb the feeling of wholeness that had overcome me; I had become a convert of the Lumi-Lumi Nui Temple Massage. 

The final treatment was the Complexion Enhancement Treatment for Men, which included a scalp massage with essential oils and a facial. This treatment has to be the perfect complement to the Lumi-Lumi Nui Temple Massage especially as you have your scalp massaged, which draws you deeper into a state of euphoria, and coupled with a facial, you depart not only feeling relaxed, rested, and calm, but you also feel so good about yourself.

Adlon Day Spa, Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin, Germany - Relaxing Room
Relaxing Room

I sauntered over to the Relaxation Lounge to await Debra’s return from her treatments. I relaxed in a very comfortable lounge chair and I was brought a tray of cookies and warm tea. There was also bottled water and fresh fruit available on a table in the room, but once I reclined on the lounge chair I was there to stay, so to speak, but I had my tea, cookies, and a good magazine to keep me company.

Debra: The Adlon Day Spa booklet promoted the Royal Thai Massage as "strongly influenced by Ayurveda teachings. The massage is performed on floor mats and involves the mobilization of the whole body." What it did not say was that my therapist would be stretching every inch of my body into positions that it definitely was not accustomed to, and that I had no indication that my body could indeed be stretched into those "pretzel-like" positions that would increase circulation and flexibility. However, I am getting ahead of myself in describing this treatment, so I will start at the beginning.

Katja brought me to a spacious treatment room with soothing low lights, dark wood walls, and a large floor mat covered with a white sheet, and instructed me to change into the soft, cotton, wheat-colored yoga clothes. Unlike other massage where one removes clothing before the massage, for Thai massage, one actually dons loose clothing for the massage. She returned a few moments later to begin what I now fondly recall as my "Cirque du Soleil" audition.

The Royal Thai Massage had Katja twisting my limbs in every imaginable position, and even some unimaginable ones that left me wondering how she was able to stretch my limbs so far. Reclining on my stomach she pulled my arms back so far that I felt like I was doing an imitation of Kate Winslet in the film Titanic flying on the bow of the ship, and reclining on my back, she continued the stretching movements She stretched my legs and arms to their limits and worked every joint and muscle until I felt like I had grown six inches. Okay, perhaps I am exaggerating a little, however, no muscle or joint went wanting for exercise.

In addition to the stretching, Katja gave me a deep muscle massage that left me feeling almost euphoric when she stopped. The Royal Thai Massage was definitely memorable as it increased my circulation and my limbs really did feel fantastic after the massage.

After the massage it was time for some pampering in the form of a Spa Manicure and Spa Pedicure. Simone, my new therapist, brought me to her attractive treatment room where she instructed me to sit on the built-in seating area as she began her ritual which began with a pot of fruit tea, followed by a relaxing footbath.

Relaxed from the tea and the footbath, I progressed to the reclining chair where she began with a hand treatment and gave me a manicure and pedicure complete with wonderful machines to make my nails look their very best.

Treatments over, I progressed to the Relaxation Lounge where I found Edward relaxing on a white leather lounge chair sipping tea and reading a magazine. I joined him reclining on my own lounge with another pot of tea and soaked up the pleasing ambience of low music, candles, and white orchids.

Adlon Day Spa, Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin, Germany - Welcome to Adlon Day Spa
Welcome to Adlon Day Spa

We emerged from our "Time to Spa" treatments relaxed and looking great from head-to-toe, which was certainly a pleasant way to spend a little "me time."

The Adlon Day Spa offers a wide range of treatments including facials, body treatments, scrubs, wraps, massages, beauty care, hair, yoga, and Pilates classes, as well as personal fitness training.

Read other articles on the Hotel Adlon Kempinski in the Restaurants and Chefs’ Recipes sections (recipes in English and German), as well as Destination: Berlin – A Feast for the Senses, Hotels and Resorts, Lorenz Adlon, and Chefs’ Recipes: Lorenz Adlon Recipes, Hotel Adlon Kempinski Recipes, Hotel Adlon Kempinski Recipes in German.

Adlon Day Spa, Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin, Germany
Adlon Day Spa

Behrenstraße 72
D10117 Berlin
Telephone:      +49 30 3011 17200

Hotel Adlon Kempinski, Berlin, Germany
Hotel Adlon Kempinski

Unter den Linden, 77
D-10117 Berlin
Telephone:      +49 30 2261 0
Fax:                 +49 30 2261 2222

Read other articles on Germany in the Destinations, Hotels and Resorts, Spas, Restaurants, Chefs’ Recipes, Performances, and Luxury Products sections.

For information on Berlin and Germany, please visit the websites, www.Berlin-Tourist-Information.com and www.ComeToGermany.com.

© June 2008. Luxury Experience. www.LuxuryExperience.com All rights reserved.

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