Charlie B’s Pub & Restaurant is a favorite in Stowe, Vermont where the inviting, comfortable and casual ambience is the perfect companion for Executive Chef Mitch Jones’ menu. In addition to the regular items on the menu, Chef Mitch also creates an imaginative daily specials menu with suggested wines for pairing.
We had dinner at Charlie B’s Pub & Restaurant twice over the course of a weekend during our stay at the luxurious Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa in February 2015, and had the opportunity to get to know Chef Mitch Jones and his culinary vision.
For Chef Mitch Jones, cuisine is in his blood; although he graduated from a culinary arts school, it is his grandmother whom he credits for inspiring him. Growing up in Florida, he and his family would visit his grandmother in Virginia for 2 weeks in the summer and at Christmas, where enticing Southern aromas of cornbread, gumbo, and pecan tortes would awaken his senses. From his grandmother he learned how good food could taste and look, and how special aromas evolve into memories.
Chef Mitch Jones
For the past 7 years he has called Charlie B’s Pub & Restaurant at Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa his culinary home, progressing in the kitchen ranks, including working as the sous chef for 2 years, and for the last year as the Executive Chef. He finds inspiration for his menus by talking to other chefs and to his team of line cooks and other industry professionals.
He loves what he does, and although cooking for a profession can be stressful with each day presenting new challenges, he and his team have fun in the kitchen. His advice to people considering a culinary career is that you must love it or this is not the job for you.
Vermont has excellent regional products including dairy and cheese products, fresh produce, cider, maple syrup, and much more, and the restaurant is a member of the Vermont Fresh Network where the focus is on using locally grown and New England produced products as possible. Chef Mitch is also fortunate in that the restaurant also grows herbs in the resort’s large herb garden, which are used in the restaurant as well as in the Spa. A few of his favorite Vermont local ingredients are braising meats with Switchback ale, and using the versatile maple syrup as a marinade, glaze, and to finish dishes.
When not working in the kitchen or dreaming up new recipes, Chef Mitch Jones enjoys spending time with his wife and three children, going ice fishing during the winter, and boating in the summer.
Chef Mitch Jones of Charlie B’s Pub & Restaurant graciously shares the recipe for Charlie B’s Spicy Duck Ninja Roll to tempt your palate into dining at the restaurant.
Charlie B’s Spicy Duck Ninja Roll
Duckling Leg Comfit
Miso Aioli
Prepared Sushi Rice
Rice Wine Vinegar
Nori Paper
Tempura Batter, to coat
Pickled Ginger, garnish
Seaweed Salad, garnish
Method: Mix duck, miso aioli, and siracha in a food processor until blended with smaller chunks still visible. Cook the rice and cool down with rice wine vinegar for about 20 minutes.
Place cooled rice on top of flat nori sheet down the middle; 1 cup of rice per sheet. Place three-quarters of a cup of the prepared duck mixture on top of the rice. Mold duck into log shaped mound along the center of the nori sheet. Roll nori sheet over to form a "roll" and continue to wrap into a roll.
Apply a small amount of water on the inside of the nori sheet to seal the seam when fully rolled. Lightly coat the roll in tempura batter and fry for 4 minutes or until lightly browned on the outside.
Presentation: Slice the rolls into half-inch to three-quarters of an inch pieces, arrange on the slices on plates, add the picked ginger to one side of the plate and the seaweed salad to the other side. Drizzle the plate with siracha and miso aioli.
Read about our dining experience at Charlie B’s Pub & Restaurant in the Restaurants section. Read more about our stay at Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa in the Hotels and Resorts section, read about our experience at The Spa at Stoweflake in the Spas section, and read about our adventures in the Adventures section.
Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa is easily accessible by car, air (Burlington International Airport), and Amtrak train. The resort is located 129 miles from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 178 miles from Albany, New York, 200 miles from Boston, Massachusetts, 220 miles from Hartford, Connecticut, and 335 miles from New York City, New York.
For additional information, please visit their website, www.Stoweflake.com.
Charlie B’s Pub & Restaurant
Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa
PO Box 369
1746 Mountain Road, (Route 108)
Stowe, Vermont 05672
United States
Toll-Free: +1-800-253-2232 (US and Canada)
Toll-Free: 0500.892.522 (UK)
Telephone: +1-802-253-7355
Fax: +1-802-253-6858
Spa: +1-802-760-1083
Email: info@stoweflake.com
Email: reservations@stoweflake.com
Spa Email: spa@stoweflake.com
Website: www.Stoweflake.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/Stoweflake
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