Buenos Aires is truly a feast for the senses, visible in the architecture, through the romance of the music and of course, the tango, and in the last 10 years, in their diversity of their cuisine.
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Buenos Aires es verdad un banquete para los sentidos, visible en la arquitectura, con el romance de la música y por supuesto, del tango, y en los 10 años pasados, en su diversidad de su cocina.
From Rio with Love!
Do Rio, com Amor!
Berlin is a wonderful, eclectic city filled with the new and the old, the traditional and the contemporary.
Budapest is an architectural dream, a cultural delight for the spirit, and a gastronomic feast.
Brazil is definitely a paradise with its verdant jungles, pristine beaches, beautiful people, phenomenal cuisine and rhythmic music.
Brasil é definitivamente um paraíso com suas matas verdejantes, praias límpidas, pessoas bonitas, comida maravilhosa e a música com muito ritmo.